Tuesday 10 December 2013

Lost in Wandsworth

So I ran 10 miles.
Which feels like a pretty major landmark in my ongoing quest to run a marathon next april.

I am sure you have many questions such as...

How did you prepare to run 10 miles?
When did you plan the route?
How did you keep yourself motivated?

The answer to all these questions is I got lost and ended up running 10 miles because I accidentally ran to Wandsworth.

But it did make me realise how motivational getting lost is (or maybe that is just me)
I was no longer running to train for the marathon, I was running to get home. Sure I could have walked but that would have taken ages!
It was essentially an adventure of epic proportion
This gif is also funny because I am short

Here is the run
The clever people amongst you will notice that I should have ran along Nine Elms Lane

As you can see the run started out like most of my longer runs nowadays,
Off to Westminster and back.

Last time I ran there and back i told you I didn't do any photos because I was on a roll and thought stopping for photos would make me die inside, but this time I was more confident.

So I took this rather attractive photo of me on Westminster bridge.
 It would appear my hair is trying to escape my head

On the way back home I thought I would try running across more bridges (you know how much I love bridges) which then left me on the south side of the river between Vauxhall bridge and Battersea bridge, there is no tow path along the river at that point so I had to go further south and leave the thames behind. 
I should have simply crossed back over the river!
I should have kept an eye on my mapping app!
I should not have kept running for a mile and a half whilst thinking 'this is probably the wrong way'!

But I did, when I finally realised my mistake (in Wandsworth) I swiftly but my explorer hat on and managed to find my way back to Battersea park and got home!


It is worth noting however, that in the early part of my run I did cross some new bridges and actually in my whole run crossed 4!
Before getting lost I was going to write about the new bridges I crossed but will save that for my next blog, here are the photos I took however...
Points for guessing which bridges they are!

In summary, I was a bit of an idiot. It paid off though and I think for the first time since I started training it feels very real, and very much feels doable!

Please don't forget that I am doing all of this for a cause, Asthma UK. They do amazing work and I did not choose them for no reason.
Donate because they are great, or donate because I am running round London, trying to find enjoyment in it by losing my way!

You can donate here Nic's Marathon Donation page

Thanks loads,


Saturday 23 November 2013

A Long time

Hello Blog fans!
Hope all in reading world is going well.

It has been 'A long time' since I wrote one of these. (Yes I just used the title of the blog in the blog... maybe that is why I chose that title, or maybe the reason will become a lot more apparent later!)

Why has it been so long?
What was I doing?
What is the air speed ratio of an unladen swallow?

Well I can answer those first two questions by informing you all that my sister got married!

I wonder if any of these people have legs?

You may notice that the person on the left of the photo is wearing fairy wings but fear not, she is not a crazy person.
Sally and Sam got married on a stage (The Royal Theatre, Northampton if you must know) and the beginning of the ceremony was like a little show, in which Genevieve (the girl with the wings) played a fairy!
She was then a witness
She was also the person who inspired me to the Marathon in the first place,

Anyway, Sally getting married was a pretty major event in my family and I was busy doing all manner of things before the wedding, 
Then on the actual day i danced for 'A Long time' (ooh) and my legs hurt so much afterwards that no running could be done.
It was an amazing day and everyone basically had the best time of their lives.

Big congratulations to Sally and Sam who will now be together for 'A long time' (yeah, did it again)

Although I danced the equivalent of a Marathon at the wedding I was a little worried when I put my running shoes back on yesterday that I would have lost something having not run for over a week!
However, due to the fact that I had nothing else on yesterday and it being a relatively nice day I thought I would just keep running and see how far I could go.

For how long did I run??


Here is a picture of my run
Looks kinda like a phone doesn't it!

If you are wondering where it was I actually ran to it was all the way to the house of parliament

When you look at this picture do you hear music going
I do

When I got to the houses of parliament I took some inspiration from our deputy prime minister and swiftly changed direction. (BOOM SATIRE)
I didn't take any photos on my run as I have to stop running, take my phone out of my handy phone carrying case, stop the run-mapping app, unplug the headphones, take the photo, do everything again in reverse and frankly I COULDN'T BE BOTHERED
plus I was on a roll, running the longest run of my training so far... so I simply didn't bother.

All in all the run was a success, although I was feeling it a little by the end I have proved that I can run over a 1/4 of a marathon and maintain a speed of ten minute miles!


If you would like to I thoroughly recommend that you donate for my chosen cause of Asthma UK, go on... it will make you feel all warm inside

Thanks loads,


Saturday 2 November 2013

Getting to know London

Hallo there blog fans (I am still calling you blog fans),

I haven't written anything in a while but that is because the majority of my runs are rather boring, I leave my flat, run down to the river, around battersea park, back across the river, along the thames, back up to my flat... DONE!

(sometime if I am feeling CRAZY! I do it in reverse... it is out there, I know!)

I think it is worth noting at this point quite how tedious it can be, very tedious, so tedious in fact that it is impressive that I keep doing it, so impressive in fact that you should all donate lots of money to Asthma UK now, after all that is why I am putting all this time and tedious effort into running this ruddy long way!
Click on this link and it will take you to a marvellous place of donation-y goodness!

However, sometimes, if I have the day off work or for some other odd reason have an excessive amount of time I decide to run to places I have never run before.
It is actually a rather good way to see whole sections of London above ground that I would otherwise never see.

So yesterday (Friday the 1st of November) I decided to run towards a bridge in the distance (you know how much I love bridges)
When I got there it turned out it was just for overground trains so it could have been a bit of an anti climax if it hadn't been for all these other things I noticed on my run.

Firstly I saw this overground station
I feel 'Imperial Wharf' may be over compensating for something with this sign

It was this overground station that stood on the north end of the bridge I couldn't cross. The station itself seemed to mainly built into the  bridge and had obviously been modernised recently with the use of much glass!

Fair enough, an overground station isn't the most exciting thing one can find in London... but later in my run I found this,

How fancy the rugby posts are in Chelsea!

The Lots road power station (also known as the Chelsea Monster) used to supply the power to the entire underground network!
It is just an empty husk now but it is a pretty epic building and surprisingly close to the fancier bits of Chelsea and south Kensington!

Still not impressive enough??? well there is just no pleasing you Blog fans...

What about this statue?
 stop trying to steal my baby!

This statue is called 'In Town' and although I don't really understand why it is called that, or why it is placed where it is (relatively out of town) or why they seem to be playing a game of Baby Rugby but i can admire that the people do look like people and that must have been bloody hard to do! (I assume... I have never done metal sculpture myself but I don't think it is one of those skills that comes naturally!)

The last sight of the run was less impressive then some of the others but definitely the one I am most likely to visit again, although next time I will not be running.

It is like they looked inside my head and made my perfect place!

It's a Karaoke Bar Pizzeria, what is not to love! If I ever disappear for an excessive period of time, this is where you will find me. Drinking a cocktail, singing 'everybody get up' by five and eating a Ham and Pineapple pizza! Basically, Living the dream.

As you can see a productive run, for those who are interested here is what the run looked like

Leave comments of motivation and let me know what you think my last run looked like!

and thanks for reading!

Big Love,

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Bridging the gap

Whilst out running this evening, yes sometimes i do evening runs, I happened upon this thought;

'What is the point in running if you don't learn things at the same time?'

I, myself, couldn't think of anything!

except maybe getting fit and maybe to train for a long distance running event such as the london marathon BUT THAT IS IT!

I suppose maybe to get some fresh air... and maybe to see London from a new perspective... to strengthen the leg muscles and improve your lung capacity


although I do enjoy the occasional nod at another runner (which as i mentioned in an earlier blog happens very rarely)

Alright ALRIGHT! there are loads of points to running but before I realise that learning whist running is a silly idea I shall carry on!

I also realised whilst running this evening (still shocked i went for evening run??? get over it!) that there are many a bridge in London and one gap in people's knowledge is London bridges.
This evening I ran across three bridges as you can see in the map of my run
yes I did run across that last one twice... check me out!

and although i learnt very little whilst running across the bridges as they don't have fact sheets, silly bridges, I have since done some research using the "internet"  So I present to you three bridges of London...

Bridging the Gap (of knowledge that you probably have about bridges in London.)

Bridge 1

oooooh bridgey

Name: Battersea Bridge
Opened: 21st of July 1890
Length: 725 feet, 6 inches! (THAT IS 1,451 6 Inch Subways)
Designer: Joseph Bazalgatte (incidentally one of my favourite surnames ever!)
Interesting fact: in 2006 a bottlenose whale got stranded there when trying to get to the 'Made in Chelsea auditions'
Thing I realised when crossing the bridge: It is the only of todays three bridges to not have lights on! RUBBISH!

I give it a 6/10 

Bridge 2
I took this photo from bridge one and the photo of bridge one came from bridge two 
which we can see in this photo from bridge one which we took a photo of from bridge 2 

Name: Albert Bridge
Opened: 1873
Length: 710 feet, (THAT IS OVER 127 Me's)
Designer: Rowland Mason Ordish (another great name!)
Interesting fact: There is a sign telling soldiers to cease marching in time when crossing the bridge to avoid vibrations

Thing I realised when crossing the bridge: If Mr and Mrs Bridge had a son and called it Albert then he would have the same name as this bridge and he would be bullied regularly by all the bridge enthusiasts, who he would in turn bully for being bridge enthusiasts!

I give it a 8/10

Bridge 3! (the exclamation is because it is the final bridge of today's blog... exciting stuff i know!)

Name: Chelsea Bridge
Opened: 21st of July 1857
Length: 698 Feet (that is a 698 average length ferrets)
Designer: G. Topham Forrest (let's be honest, all bridge designers had brilliant names!)
Interesting fact: 'twas originally called Victoria Bridge, they had to change it to Chelsea bridge after it was caught conoodling with the Albert Bridge!
Thing I realised when crossing the bridge:It has a smashing view of the battersea power station

there is another bridge in this photo but it is only for Tube trains... i found this out the hard way!

I give it a 9/10

Needless to say, we all know a lot more about bridges and have forgotten entirely the point of this blog, so i shall remind you
click here to donate and feel better about yourself!

Donations seem to have slowed down... which as you can imagine I am furious about,
If we reach £300 by this time next week I shall do a run in halloween make-up!


Tuesday 15 October 2013

Mind blown by socks

Yes the title is what you think it is!
How can your mind be blown by socks?
Well for something to blow your mind it either has to be so absurd it shatters all opinions of the world... so socks surely can't do that can they, if you think socks are absurd then you are insane, after all socks are the opposite of absurd, they are unabsurd... or normal as most people say.
Look at this sock
Purple called, asked why you didn't invite it to the party!

Despite being a pretty damn funky sock it is not blowing any minds.
'GET TO THE POINT NIC' said everyone reading angrily and with purpose

For a sock to blow your mind it would have to do something pretty out there... and this morning i noticed something new and out there about my running (THANK GOD YOU MENTIONED RUNNING) socks.

yeah that is right... one of them is for your left foot and one of them is for your right foot!


THis reveals two things about me
1) I am not a sporty fellow and therefore have never come across this before
2) I have been running for about 3 months without knowing that you could get left and right footed socks...

Who knows how many times i have been running with my feet in the wrong footed socks. NEVER AGAIN!

I ran today very smoothly around Battersea park, safe in the knowledge my feet were perfectly cradled in the correct footed sock.

So happy was I with my comfortable feet that I drew the following shape whilst running... I am reckoning it looks like a chicken... Any better ideas, comment below!


It is now less than 6 months until the big day so if you have not yet donated then DO IT NOW... this running is driving me mad enough to talk about socks for an entire blog so please support me by donating toward Asthma UK, it literally is an amazing cause!

Andy Green has had the biggest donation for AGES so please try to beat him.


Thursday 10 October 2013

It has been a while

Hello Blog fans (I call you blog fans)

I must first apologise for my lack of blog in the last two weeks.

'WHY HAS THIS BEEN?' I hear you all murmur timidly.

Well many reasons, and by many I mean three.

Last week i was in a production of Dracula in the evenings which, mixed with my working hours took up all my time, this meant i was not able to Jog OR blog. Sad times Iknow.
Here is a picture of me as 1920's 'Man about town' John Harker to make you all feel better
not sure why I am not so bothered about the vampire on my right!

The show went extremely well and made me people literally jump out of their seats and wet themselves with fear.

This ran all of last week and ended with a wonderful after show party and a hungover morning spent emptying a van.

Needless to say it was a long and hectic week with no spare moments for this silly running malarkey

After the show was done I went to Newcastle for two days with work,
not a lot fun happened there and although I am sure Newcastle would be lovely to run around I forgot to take my running gear

So was unable to run along the Tyne like I had considered. 

My Laptop died,
after Dracula and Newcastle I arrived home planning on writing you a blog explaining my absence only to find my Laptop would not switch on, not at all, it was dead, it has bitten the dust, shuffled off this mortal coil, joined the great holy laptop in the sky, 
If this doesn't make sense to you then sort your life out

I have now bought a NEW laptop but it has not arrived yet (sad times)

Despite this I have managed to blog.

Running starts again tomorrow as we approach


I hope you heard evil music in your head when you read that, i know i did. If you didn't then perhaps read it again but imagine evil music playing in your head. If you are unable to imagine such music then refer back to the comment I made under the picture of John Cleese and Michael Palin in the dead parrot sketch.

Despite the gap the marathon is still a huge part of my life right now and I would feel a lot better about everything if all you wondnerful folk out there in blog reading land would sponsor me, to do so go to the following site

And PLEASE DONATE, not just because i asked but because of all the people with Asthma who need your help.

Follow me on twitter @nicmundayasthma


Friday 20 September 2013

London Parks whilst running. Hyde Park!

Hello all, it has been a while since I have blogged and that is because last weekend I went on a stag do, to great Yarmouth which was AMAZING!
Before hand I had considered taking my running gear as to have a morning jog along the coast, the sights i would have seen, the fresh sea air enlightening my soul!
In hind sight i am glad I didn't as I would have been far to hungover!

BUT... despite my lack of blogs I am still running and I must say it is getting to a point where i think
so I think that is on the right track!

Today i went Jogging round Hyde Park. I was going to give you a lot of facts about Hyde park to educate and stimulate future conversations you may have at dinner parties, but instead I am going to let an earlier version of myself tell you.

So lets cut to 'Past me, currently running through Hyde Park'

I think the main thing I gathered whilst filming episode 1 of 'London Parks whilst Jogging' was how difficult it is to jog, speak and remember facts at the same time!

Thank god for my natural presentation skills!

The training as i said is coming a long nicely and i can see that lots of you are reading these as they come out, would be great for motivation if i could get some comments and of course...

Some donations... click here!

Keep up with the twitter account

and just generally be awesome!



Thursday 5 September 2013

Runners are not dog walkers

The title may seem an obvious statement and in many cases a false one, I am sure there are many people who are both runners and dog walkers, not necessarily at the same time (that sparks a philosophical debate on whether or not you are still a dog walker when not walking a dog!) although sometimes people do run whilst walking (running?) a dog...
Help this human is attached to me!

Ignoring the fact that people can be both runners and dog walkers it is still worth noting that runners are not dog walkers for one reason and one reason alone.

The Nod.

I have never owned a dog, but have in my time walked dogs. (I am not going to explain how i attained them)
As well as the wonderful companionship and fun ball games you get with walking a dog you also suddenly gain the respect of all other dog walkers, and when you come across one there is a universal symbol of togetherness they all use...
The Nod.

It is so much more than a greeting, in those few seconds the two dog walkers are saying to each other 'we made one similar life decision and i respect that in you, not only that but you clearly are looking after this four legged mammal well, i can tell this because it looks well nourished and you are taking it for a walk!'

It is a beautiful moment that makes angels weep. Rainbows are formed in its honour and family members who haven't talked for decades reconcile their differences.

Runners do not do the nod.
At least not in battersea park.
Assuming a runners union of nodding existed i tried it recently and rather than a glorious moment that would bring a dieing man back to life  was shunned, publicly shunned, i received looks like this

and this

And worst of all this

That last one actually happened, David Tennant often runs through battersea park, dressed as the doctor.
weird i know!

Stupid joggers with their lack of nodding! MOTIVATION IS NEEDED GUYS!

Talking of motivation, I am still running thrice a week and would find this a lot easier if you lovely people would help support the cause.

You can also keep me motivated by leaving comments on my blogs. 
Here is a fun game to get you started,
here is my run from Tuesday of this week, what do YOU think it looks like?

Follow me on twitter @nicmundayasthma
Join the facebook group at Nic's Marathon Facebook page

Thanks lovely people,

Thursday 29 August 2013

It feels like it has been a while...

It has been a while, my blogging AND Jogging seem to have taken a back seat for a while BUT FOR GOOD REASON!

(end of capitol zone)

I am sure many of my doubters (who i assume are all posh toffs) have stood round thinking;

but i haven't given up

I have been very busy with moving house and going to York and celebrating my birthday and going to Northampton and celebrating my birthday and coming back to London and having to move rooms!

All of this together has, i confess, left me slacking on the running point of view.
Today, however, i got back on it. Restarting after a gap is difficult. When i am in the swing of a running regime I have no problem getting up and going for a run. When i leave a gap  really don't want to get up and run again, it is super hard to get out of bed.

Today I did though, I got up, had some granola (or crunch as we Mundays call it) and set of into the late summer morning air (that is a thing)
Yesterday on twitter (@nicmundayasthma) I tweeted asking whether i should run round Hyde Park or to Battersea power station.

I had...


response (that would have been more epic if i had had more... way more... like at least triple figures)

It was my mum and she said i should run to Battersea, so i did

here it is
'ooh what a lovely power station' said Nic

It was a great run there, over the river, through Battersea park (where there are many a jogger) past the Dog's and Cat's home and then you are faced with the wonderful view of the power station. It is a lot bigger in person than when you see it on the telly.

This however was simply the run there. My original plan had been to run back the way i came, but being in an adventurous mood i decided i would explore by running the other way, towards the river, cross at the next bridge and then run back along the northern bank.A great theory... but in practice a much longer run than i had intended. I ended up going all the way to the Vauxhaul bridge.

So my 4 mile run ended up being a 7 mile run but I kept running the whole way and i believe that in the running world this is considered to be a 'win'

Here is my total run
It looks like a dinosaur! (or a penis)

Thanks for reading, don't forget to follow me on twitter @nicmundayasthma, find my facebook page and follow me on here!

Also, Please donate. Thanks to all who have already done it but i am still way off my target and i am not doing all this running for nothing.
I hate running, it makes me want to cry.
So please donate!


Tuesday 20 August 2013

Map my run!

I am now a few weeks into training, and it is still going strong!

I have no way to weigh myself currently but i have probably lost 11 stone (not really that would be silly, i would look like this...

but i am feeling a lot fitter already and running is becoming easier.
Still haven't started my proper training plan (which I will do 6 months before the marathon) so for now i am keeping up with runs every day of at least 3 miles in length!

I have just moved house and had a busy weekend moving everything, but managed to fit another 10k in which was excellent
(What could the tortoise possibly own that would fill up those boxes... Shell wax?)

The new exciting thing in my running life (which due to legal reasons i keep entirely separate from my normal life... and the thug life) is Map my Run
It is an app that well... maps my run!

Annoyingly however it sticks to paths and roads, so you can't draw things in Hyde park (I tried, top points to whoever guesses correctly in the comments what i tried to draw!) but here is today's run!

As you can see i live in south Kensington now... (ooooh posh)

Anyway, i am really excited by this ap and it is just a shame this run doesn't look like anything in particular!

I shall try harder to draw fun things, (any suggestions in the comments will be welcome!)

Keep donating please I am now at £131.43 but it does seem to have slowed down!

don't forget to follow @nicmundayasthma on twitter and join the group on facebook!

Big running love

Nic 'Length of a marathon starting to dawn on me' Munday

Thursday 15 August 2013

Why Asthma???

So now that all of you who were initially shocked by me doing a marathon have been able to come to terms with it, like so;
Person 1 'Nic is doing the Marathon!?!'
Person 2 'Nic who?'
Person 1 'Nic Munday!'
Person 2 'I am sorry i don't who that is... or who you are for that matter... stop talking to me on the tube'
Person 1 'sorry... never the less i am still ruddy shocked that he is doing the marathon... actually i have come to terms with it!'

I thought it would be worth informing you on why I am running to raise money for asthma UK and not any of the other charities that exist IN THE WORLD! (when i say the world i mean the UK... and there are seriously LOADS of charities, there are whole websites that are literally just lists of charities... http://www.charitychoice.co.uk/charities)

Now not all charities in the UK offer out guaranteed places in the marathon (so that link was a little misleading, evil Nic) but there were still alot. So why did i only apply to one charity and why did i choose Asthma?

Is it because they have a funky green and purple logo?

Partly, but not really...

Is it because I love taking a blue inhaler

not really (although it was worth suggesting just to use that picture)

Was the reason I applied to Asthma UK because I have been a life long sufferer of Asthma and I would love to see advances made in the treatment of Asthma?

BINGO! YAHTZEE! Go directly to GO!

Although I have not really had bad asthma since being a small child, I was pretty darn ill in the first few years... pretty much my lungs didn't enjoy working very much, they were all like...

Anyway, with the great advances in modern medicine we had made by the early nineties i survived, and hundred continue to live, thrive and survive with asthma every day.

When a person with asthma comes into contact with something that irritates their airways (an asthma trigger), the muscles around the walls of the airways tighten so that the airways become narrower and the lining of the airways becomes inflamed and starts to swell. Sometimes, sticky mucus or phlegm builds up, which can further narrow the airways.
Narrow phlegmy airways are pretty hard to get air through, lack of air = Death... 

So... if you don't think me running the marathon is enough to earn a small donation then remember I am doing it with Asthma (a much greater feat) and if that still doesn't make you want to donate, then how about donating for all those people who suffer with everyday, using oxygen canisters or relying on inhalers to do the simplest of tasks!

Please Donate, I am running the ruddy marathon!

and don't forget to follow me on twitter @NicMundayAsthma

The running is coming along nicely by the way,
Write soon


Sunday 11 August 2013

Am I fit enough to do a marathon?

To cut a long blog short... I am probably not fit enough to do a marathon yet, but luckily i have 8 months of tough grueling training ahead of me, but exactly how fit am I?

Age: 21 (nearly 22!)
Height: 5 foot 7
Weight: 12 Stone 9 which is 80KG  in new money! (I had to look that up, no one knows what Kilograms are!)

So looking at this handy health chart i found (using the internet) I am currently in the overweight orange zone.
(the spot is me)

So really during this marathon training I need to lose a stone and a half and get into the WHITE ZONE (Which is for the immediate unloading and loading of passengers only)

This seems like a long way to go but with 8 months of, as i said before, GRUELING TRAINING ahead of me,  I think it is doable.

I am a week in already and yesterday I ran 10K without stopping so that was nice, given i ran slower than anyone ever... but it is nice to know i can keep going!

'How did you get into the orange zone in the first place Nic?' I assume you are asking.
Well I have never been of the sporty variety. In fact, i tend to be awful... i try very hard but when it comes to me playing sport I am about as useful as a giraffe in a handstand competition

So a lack of sporting ability and an incredible amount of beer drinking at uni (for which I mainly blame Will Handley) have left me in a less than peak condition state.

Thus, the marathon is a great thing for many reasons
1) I shall get into peak condition
2) I will get to see all the london sights
3) I shall raise lots of money for Asthma!

Talking of which (nice segway)
If you haven't already, I recommend you donate soon to help out Asthma and to support me on my never ending quest to run the marathon (Never ending isn't accurate as It will end... on the 13th of April next year)



P.S Apparently if you gain muscle it weighs more than fat... at which point you won't be overweight in an unfit way... but you will look like this

If i ever look like this... shoot me!

Double P.S
For those who don't know Airplane, this is what i was referring to earlier when talking about the white zone!


Thursday 8 August 2013

So... I am running the marathon for Asthma UK

it begins!

Anyone who knows me, knows that i am not, and have never been a sporty person. So this whole 'running the marathon' thing must be a shock to a lot of you!
but it is happening now so get over it!

There are a lot of things that lead me to running the marathon.
The first thing happened whilst at primary school. My friend Tom Golding's Mum ran the marathon, then came into school and gave an assembly on it, at the end she said "everyone should try to do the marathon at least once in their life!"

Fast forward 15 years and one Sunday evening I go round to my soon-to-be Brother-in-Law's sister's house to celebrate the fact his other sister completing the marathon!

She looked incredibly chuffed with herself and she got to eat an entire Domino's pizza to herself, and no-one judged her or anything!

At this point I realized, I have always wanted to do it at least once, I would love to be able to eat an entire pizza guilt free and the younger i do it, the easier it will be... right?

So I applied to the ballot but also I applied for a guaranteed spot with Asthma UK and got one!

Why Asthma? Well that is a blog for another time.

But it is a worthwhile cause and one worth running a stupidly long distance for!

I need to raise at least £1,700 and i'd love to raise a lot more, so if you can please donate (and don't forget to gift aid!)
You can donate here

Join the facebook group here

and follow me on Twitter

Nic 'going to run 26 miles' Munday