Tuesday 20 August 2013

Map my run!

I am now a few weeks into training, and it is still going strong!

I have no way to weigh myself currently but i have probably lost 11 stone (not really that would be silly, i would look like this...

but i am feeling a lot fitter already and running is becoming easier.
Still haven't started my proper training plan (which I will do 6 months before the marathon) so for now i am keeping up with runs every day of at least 3 miles in length!

I have just moved house and had a busy weekend moving everything, but managed to fit another 10k in which was excellent
(What could the tortoise possibly own that would fill up those boxes... Shell wax?)

The new exciting thing in my running life (which due to legal reasons i keep entirely separate from my normal life... and the thug life) is Map my Run
It is an app that well... maps my run!

Annoyingly however it sticks to paths and roads, so you can't draw things in Hyde park (I tried, top points to whoever guesses correctly in the comments what i tried to draw!) but here is today's run!

As you can see i live in south Kensington now... (ooooh posh)

Anyway, i am really excited by this ap and it is just a shame this run doesn't look like anything in particular!

I shall try harder to draw fun things, (any suggestions in the comments will be welcome!)

Keep donating please I am now at £131.43 but it does seem to have slowed down!

don't forget to follow @nicmundayasthma on twitter and join the group on facebook!

Big running love

Nic 'Length of a marathon starting to dawn on me' Munday

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