Thursday 29 August 2013

It feels like it has been a while...

It has been a while, my blogging AND Jogging seem to have taken a back seat for a while BUT FOR GOOD REASON!

(end of capitol zone)

I am sure many of my doubters (who i assume are all posh toffs) have stood round thinking;

but i haven't given up

I have been very busy with moving house and going to York and celebrating my birthday and going to Northampton and celebrating my birthday and coming back to London and having to move rooms!

All of this together has, i confess, left me slacking on the running point of view.
Today, however, i got back on it. Restarting after a gap is difficult. When i am in the swing of a running regime I have no problem getting up and going for a run. When i leave a gap  really don't want to get up and run again, it is super hard to get out of bed.

Today I did though, I got up, had some granola (or crunch as we Mundays call it) and set of into the late summer morning air (that is a thing)
Yesterday on twitter (@nicmundayasthma) I tweeted asking whether i should run round Hyde Park or to Battersea power station.

I had...


response (that would have been more epic if i had had more... way more... like at least triple figures)

It was my mum and she said i should run to Battersea, so i did

here it is
'ooh what a lovely power station' said Nic

It was a great run there, over the river, through Battersea park (where there are many a jogger) past the Dog's and Cat's home and then you are faced with the wonderful view of the power station. It is a lot bigger in person than when you see it on the telly.

This however was simply the run there. My original plan had been to run back the way i came, but being in an adventurous mood i decided i would explore by running the other way, towards the river, cross at the next bridge and then run back along the northern bank.A great theory... but in practice a much longer run than i had intended. I ended up going all the way to the Vauxhaul bridge.

So my 4 mile run ended up being a 7 mile run but I kept running the whole way and i believe that in the running world this is considered to be a 'win'

Here is my total run
It looks like a dinosaur! (or a penis)

Thanks for reading, don't forget to follow me on twitter @nicmundayasthma, find my facebook page and follow me on here!

Also, Please donate. Thanks to all who have already done it but i am still way off my target and i am not doing all this running for nothing.
I hate running, it makes me want to cry.
So please donate!


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