Thursday 15 August 2013

Why Asthma???

So now that all of you who were initially shocked by me doing a marathon have been able to come to terms with it, like so;
Person 1 'Nic is doing the Marathon!?!'
Person 2 'Nic who?'
Person 1 'Nic Munday!'
Person 2 'I am sorry i don't who that is... or who you are for that matter... stop talking to me on the tube'
Person 1 'sorry... never the less i am still ruddy shocked that he is doing the marathon... actually i have come to terms with it!'

I thought it would be worth informing you on why I am running to raise money for asthma UK and not any of the other charities that exist IN THE WORLD! (when i say the world i mean the UK... and there are seriously LOADS of charities, there are whole websites that are literally just lists of charities...

Now not all charities in the UK offer out guaranteed places in the marathon (so that link was a little misleading, evil Nic) but there were still alot. So why did i only apply to one charity and why did i choose Asthma?

Is it because they have a funky green and purple logo?

Partly, but not really...

Is it because I love taking a blue inhaler

not really (although it was worth suggesting just to use that picture)

Was the reason I applied to Asthma UK because I have been a life long sufferer of Asthma and I would love to see advances made in the treatment of Asthma?

BINGO! YAHTZEE! Go directly to GO!

Although I have not really had bad asthma since being a small child, I was pretty darn ill in the first few years... pretty much my lungs didn't enjoy working very much, they were all like...

Anyway, with the great advances in modern medicine we had made by the early nineties i survived, and hundred continue to live, thrive and survive with asthma every day.

When a person with asthma comes into contact with something that irritates their airways (an asthma trigger), the muscles around the walls of the airways tighten so that the airways become narrower and the lining of the airways becomes inflamed and starts to swell. Sometimes, sticky mucus or phlegm builds up, which can further narrow the airways.
Narrow phlegmy airways are pretty hard to get air through, lack of air = Death... 

So... if you don't think me running the marathon is enough to earn a small donation then remember I am doing it with Asthma (a much greater feat) and if that still doesn't make you want to donate, then how about donating for all those people who suffer with everyday, using oxygen canisters or relying on inhalers to do the simplest of tasks!

Please Donate, I am running the ruddy marathon!

and don't forget to follow me on twitter @NicMundayAsthma

The running is coming along nicely by the way,
Write soon


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