Thursday 8 August 2013

So... I am running the marathon for Asthma UK

it begins!

Anyone who knows me, knows that i am not, and have never been a sporty person. So this whole 'running the marathon' thing must be a shock to a lot of you!
but it is happening now so get over it!

There are a lot of things that lead me to running the marathon.
The first thing happened whilst at primary school. My friend Tom Golding's Mum ran the marathon, then came into school and gave an assembly on it, at the end she said "everyone should try to do the marathon at least once in their life!"

Fast forward 15 years and one Sunday evening I go round to my soon-to-be Brother-in-Law's sister's house to celebrate the fact his other sister completing the marathon!

She looked incredibly chuffed with herself and she got to eat an entire Domino's pizza to herself, and no-one judged her or anything!

At this point I realized, I have always wanted to do it at least once, I would love to be able to eat an entire pizza guilt free and the younger i do it, the easier it will be... right?

So I applied to the ballot but also I applied for a guaranteed spot with Asthma UK and got one!

Why Asthma? Well that is a blog for another time.

But it is a worthwhile cause and one worth running a stupidly long distance for!

I need to raise at least £1,700 and i'd love to raise a lot more, so if you can please donate (and don't forget to gift aid!)
You can donate here

Join the facebook group here

and follow me on Twitter

Nic 'going to run 26 miles' Munday

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