Sunday 11 August 2013

Am I fit enough to do a marathon?

To cut a long blog short... I am probably not fit enough to do a marathon yet, but luckily i have 8 months of tough grueling training ahead of me, but exactly how fit am I?

Age: 21 (nearly 22!)
Height: 5 foot 7
Weight: 12 Stone 9 which is 80KG  in new money! (I had to look that up, no one knows what Kilograms are!)

So looking at this handy health chart i found (using the internet) I am currently in the overweight orange zone.
(the spot is me)

So really during this marathon training I need to lose a stone and a half and get into the WHITE ZONE (Which is for the immediate unloading and loading of passengers only)

This seems like a long way to go but with 8 months of, as i said before, GRUELING TRAINING ahead of me,  I think it is doable.

I am a week in already and yesterday I ran 10K without stopping so that was nice, given i ran slower than anyone ever... but it is nice to know i can keep going!

'How did you get into the orange zone in the first place Nic?' I assume you are asking.
Well I have never been of the sporty variety. In fact, i tend to be awful... i try very hard but when it comes to me playing sport I am about as useful as a giraffe in a handstand competition

So a lack of sporting ability and an incredible amount of beer drinking at uni (for which I mainly blame Will Handley) have left me in a less than peak condition state.

Thus, the marathon is a great thing for many reasons
1) I shall get into peak condition
2) I will get to see all the london sights
3) I shall raise lots of money for Asthma!

Talking of which (nice segway)
If you haven't already, I recommend you donate soon to help out Asthma and to support me on my never ending quest to run the marathon (Never ending isn't accurate as It will end... on the 13th of April next year)



P.S Apparently if you gain muscle it weighs more than fat... at which point you won't be overweight in an unfit way... but you will look like this

If i ever look like this... shoot me!

Double P.S
For those who don't know Airplane, this is what i was referring to earlier when talking about the white zone!


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