Thursday 5 September 2013

Runners are not dog walkers

The title may seem an obvious statement and in many cases a false one, I am sure there are many people who are both runners and dog walkers, not necessarily at the same time (that sparks a philosophical debate on whether or not you are still a dog walker when not walking a dog!) although sometimes people do run whilst walking (running?) a dog...
Help this human is attached to me!

Ignoring the fact that people can be both runners and dog walkers it is still worth noting that runners are not dog walkers for one reason and one reason alone.

The Nod.

I have never owned a dog, but have in my time walked dogs. (I am not going to explain how i attained them)
As well as the wonderful companionship and fun ball games you get with walking a dog you also suddenly gain the respect of all other dog walkers, and when you come across one there is a universal symbol of togetherness they all use...
The Nod.

It is so much more than a greeting, in those few seconds the two dog walkers are saying to each other 'we made one similar life decision and i respect that in you, not only that but you clearly are looking after this four legged mammal well, i can tell this because it looks well nourished and you are taking it for a walk!'

It is a beautiful moment that makes angels weep. Rainbows are formed in its honour and family members who haven't talked for decades reconcile their differences.

Runners do not do the nod.
At least not in battersea park.
Assuming a runners union of nodding existed i tried it recently and rather than a glorious moment that would bring a dieing man back to life  was shunned, publicly shunned, i received looks like this

and this

And worst of all this

That last one actually happened, David Tennant often runs through battersea park, dressed as the doctor.
weird i know!

Stupid joggers with their lack of nodding! MOTIVATION IS NEEDED GUYS!

Talking of motivation, I am still running thrice a week and would find this a lot easier if you lovely people would help support the cause.

You can also keep me motivated by leaving comments on my blogs. 
Here is a fun game to get you started,
here is my run from Tuesday of this week, what do YOU think it looks like?

Follow me on twitter @nicmundayasthma
Join the facebook group at Nic's Marathon Facebook page

Thanks lovely people,

1 comment:

  1. You should try and draw all the Hey arnold characters because they all have interestingly shaped heads
