Friday 20 September 2013

London Parks whilst running. Hyde Park!

Hello all, it has been a while since I have blogged and that is because last weekend I went on a stag do, to great Yarmouth which was AMAZING!
Before hand I had considered taking my running gear as to have a morning jog along the coast, the sights i would have seen, the fresh sea air enlightening my soul!
In hind sight i am glad I didn't as I would have been far to hungover!

BUT... despite my lack of blogs I am still running and I must say it is getting to a point where i think
so I think that is on the right track!

Today i went Jogging round Hyde Park. I was going to give you a lot of facts about Hyde park to educate and stimulate future conversations you may have at dinner parties, but instead I am going to let an earlier version of myself tell you.

So lets cut to 'Past me, currently running through Hyde Park'

I think the main thing I gathered whilst filming episode 1 of 'London Parks whilst Jogging' was how difficult it is to jog, speak and remember facts at the same time!

Thank god for my natural presentation skills!

The training as i said is coming a long nicely and i can see that lots of you are reading these as they come out, would be great for motivation if i could get some comments and of course...

Some donations... click here!

Keep up with the twitter account

and just generally be awesome!




  1. Got no idea how you've managed to squeeze all those facts in without reading them off of your phone, because that'd be the only way I'd guess how you managed to pull of such a feat. Congratulations! I shall certainly donate once I get some money and enjoy a couple more factual Park videos...

  2. Run medium size boy run! Loving the blog, keep it up! XX
