Thursday 10 October 2013

It has been a while

Hello Blog fans (I call you blog fans)

I must first apologise for my lack of blog in the last two weeks.

'WHY HAS THIS BEEN?' I hear you all murmur timidly.

Well many reasons, and by many I mean three.

Last week i was in a production of Dracula in the evenings which, mixed with my working hours took up all my time, this meant i was not able to Jog OR blog. Sad times Iknow.
Here is a picture of me as 1920's 'Man about town' John Harker to make you all feel better
not sure why I am not so bothered about the vampire on my right!

The show went extremely well and made me people literally jump out of their seats and wet themselves with fear.

This ran all of last week and ended with a wonderful after show party and a hungover morning spent emptying a van.

Needless to say it was a long and hectic week with no spare moments for this silly running malarkey

After the show was done I went to Newcastle for two days with work,
not a lot fun happened there and although I am sure Newcastle would be lovely to run around I forgot to take my running gear

So was unable to run along the Tyne like I had considered. 

My Laptop died,
after Dracula and Newcastle I arrived home planning on writing you a blog explaining my absence only to find my Laptop would not switch on, not at all, it was dead, it has bitten the dust, shuffled off this mortal coil, joined the great holy laptop in the sky, 
If this doesn't make sense to you then sort your life out

I have now bought a NEW laptop but it has not arrived yet (sad times)

Despite this I have managed to blog.

Running starts again tomorrow as we approach


I hope you heard evil music in your head when you read that, i know i did. If you didn't then perhaps read it again but imagine evil music playing in your head. If you are unable to imagine such music then refer back to the comment I made under the picture of John Cleese and Michael Palin in the dead parrot sketch.

Despite the gap the marathon is still a huge part of my life right now and I would feel a lot better about everything if all you wondnerful folk out there in blog reading land would sponsor me, to do so go to the following site

And PLEASE DONATE, not just because i asked but because of all the people with Asthma who need your help.

Follow me on twitter @nicmundayasthma


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