Tuesday 15 October 2013

Mind blown by socks

Yes the title is what you think it is!
How can your mind be blown by socks?
Well for something to blow your mind it either has to be so absurd it shatters all opinions of the world... so socks surely can't do that can they, if you think socks are absurd then you are insane, after all socks are the opposite of absurd, they are unabsurd... or normal as most people say.
Look at this sock
Purple called, asked why you didn't invite it to the party!

Despite being a pretty damn funky sock it is not blowing any minds.
'GET TO THE POINT NIC' said everyone reading angrily and with purpose

For a sock to blow your mind it would have to do something pretty out there... and this morning i noticed something new and out there about my running (THANK GOD YOU MENTIONED RUNNING) socks.

yeah that is right... one of them is for your left foot and one of them is for your right foot!


THis reveals two things about me
1) I am not a sporty fellow and therefore have never come across this before
2) I have been running for about 3 months without knowing that you could get left and right footed socks...

Who knows how many times i have been running with my feet in the wrong footed socks. NEVER AGAIN!

I ran today very smoothly around Battersea park, safe in the knowledge my feet were perfectly cradled in the correct footed sock.

So happy was I with my comfortable feet that I drew the following shape whilst running... I am reckoning it looks like a chicken... Any better ideas, comment below!


It is now less than 6 months until the big day so if you have not yet donated then DO IT NOW... this running is driving me mad enough to talk about socks for an entire blog so please support me by donating toward Asthma UK, it literally is an amazing cause!

Andy Green has had the biggest donation for AGES so please try to beat him.


1 comment:

  1. Left and Right socks. They should do it for gloves too��!
