Tuesday 22 October 2013

Bridging the gap

Whilst out running this evening, yes sometimes i do evening runs, I happened upon this thought;

'What is the point in running if you don't learn things at the same time?'

I, myself, couldn't think of anything!

except maybe getting fit and maybe to train for a long distance running event such as the london marathon BUT THAT IS IT!

I suppose maybe to get some fresh air... and maybe to see London from a new perspective... to strengthen the leg muscles and improve your lung capacity


although I do enjoy the occasional nod at another runner (which as i mentioned in an earlier blog happens very rarely)

Alright ALRIGHT! there are loads of points to running but before I realise that learning whist running is a silly idea I shall carry on!

I also realised whilst running this evening (still shocked i went for evening run??? get over it!) that there are many a bridge in London and one gap in people's knowledge is London bridges.
This evening I ran across three bridges as you can see in the map of my run
yes I did run across that last one twice... check me out!

and although i learnt very little whilst running across the bridges as they don't have fact sheets, silly bridges, I have since done some research using the "internet"  So I present to you three bridges of London...

Bridging the Gap (of knowledge that you probably have about bridges in London.)

Bridge 1

oooooh bridgey

Name: Battersea Bridge
Opened: 21st of July 1890
Length: 725 feet, 6 inches! (THAT IS 1,451 6 Inch Subways)
Designer: Joseph Bazalgatte (incidentally one of my favourite surnames ever!)
Interesting fact: in 2006 a bottlenose whale got stranded there when trying to get to the 'Made in Chelsea auditions'
Thing I realised when crossing the bridge: It is the only of todays three bridges to not have lights on! RUBBISH!

I give it a 6/10 

Bridge 2
I took this photo from bridge one and the photo of bridge one came from bridge two 
which we can see in this photo from bridge one which we took a photo of from bridge 2 

Name: Albert Bridge
Opened: 1873
Length: 710 feet, (THAT IS OVER 127 Me's)
Designer: Rowland Mason Ordish (another great name!)
Interesting fact: There is a sign telling soldiers to cease marching in time when crossing the bridge to avoid vibrations

Thing I realised when crossing the bridge: If Mr and Mrs Bridge had a son and called it Albert then he would have the same name as this bridge and he would be bullied regularly by all the bridge enthusiasts, who he would in turn bully for being bridge enthusiasts!

I give it a 8/10

Bridge 3! (the exclamation is because it is the final bridge of today's blog... exciting stuff i know!)

Name: Chelsea Bridge
Opened: 21st of July 1857
Length: 698 Feet (that is a 698 average length ferrets)
Designer: G. Topham Forrest (let's be honest, all bridge designers had brilliant names!)
Interesting fact: 'twas originally called Victoria Bridge, they had to change it to Chelsea bridge after it was caught conoodling with the Albert Bridge!
Thing I realised when crossing the bridge:It has a smashing view of the battersea power station

there is another bridge in this photo but it is only for Tube trains... i found this out the hard way!

I give it a 9/10

Needless to say, we all know a lot more about bridges and have forgotten entirely the point of this blog, so i shall remind you
click here to donate and feel better about yourself!

Donations seem to have slowed down... which as you can imagine I am furious about,
If we reach £300 by this time next week I shall do a run in halloween make-up!


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