Tuesday 10 December 2013

Lost in Wandsworth

So I ran 10 miles.
Which feels like a pretty major landmark in my ongoing quest to run a marathon next april.

I am sure you have many questions such as...

How did you prepare to run 10 miles?
When did you plan the route?
How did you keep yourself motivated?

The answer to all these questions is I got lost and ended up running 10 miles because I accidentally ran to Wandsworth.

But it did make me realise how motivational getting lost is (or maybe that is just me)
I was no longer running to train for the marathon, I was running to get home. Sure I could have walked but that would have taken ages!
It was essentially an adventure of epic proportion
This gif is also funny because I am short

Here is the run
The clever people amongst you will notice that I should have ran along Nine Elms Lane

As you can see the run started out like most of my longer runs nowadays,
Off to Westminster and back.

Last time I ran there and back i told you I didn't do any photos because I was on a roll and thought stopping for photos would make me die inside, but this time I was more confident.

So I took this rather attractive photo of me on Westminster bridge.
 It would appear my hair is trying to escape my head

On the way back home I thought I would try running across more bridges (you know how much I love bridges) which then left me on the south side of the river between Vauxhall bridge and Battersea bridge, there is no tow path along the river at that point so I had to go further south and leave the thames behind. 
I should have simply crossed back over the river!
I should have kept an eye on my mapping app!
I should not have kept running for a mile and a half whilst thinking 'this is probably the wrong way'!

But I did, when I finally realised my mistake (in Wandsworth) I swiftly but my explorer hat on and managed to find my way back to Battersea park and got home!


It is worth noting however, that in the early part of my run I did cross some new bridges and actually in my whole run crossed 4!
Before getting lost I was going to write about the new bridges I crossed but will save that for my next blog, here are the photos I took however...
Points for guessing which bridges they are!

In summary, I was a bit of an idiot. It paid off though and I think for the first time since I started training it feels very real, and very much feels doable!

Please don't forget that I am doing all of this for a cause, Asthma UK. They do amazing work and I did not choose them for no reason.
Donate because they are great, or donate because I am running round London, trying to find enjoyment in it by losing my way!

You can donate here Nic's Marathon Donation page

Thanks loads,


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