Sunday 5 January 2014

We're not in Chelsea any more!

It is a new year
It is just over 4 months until I run the London Marathon
I have kicked things up a gear!

So when last we spoke I had just got lost in Wandsworth and ran 10 miles! Obviosuly since then I have run but not as much and not as frequently,
well I shall tell you why.

1) I had tonsillitis
2) I went to Bratislava (see picture below)
3) It was only ruddy Christmas!

if only I'd looked the other way... I would have seen that castle!

Needless to say that after 2 weeks of no running at all when I went for my most recent run (6 miles) it was a little more difficult then it had been!
Who knew this long distance running thing was so hard! Why would anyone ever do this to themselves?

This feels like a good time to mention Asthma UK,
As you all know the reason I am putting in all this effort and running more than my non-sporty self thought it would ever run  is to raise money for this cause.
It is really important to talk about it now as the cold, wet, winter months are the worst time of the year for Asthma sufferers (followed closely by pollen season... damn you flowers!) 90% of Asthma sufferers say the cold is a trigger for their Asthma. When you remember there are 5.4 million people with Asthma in the UK that means that 4.9 million people just in the UK are suffering with bad Asthma at this point of the year.
Asthma is often regarded as quite a minor ailment as well, possibly because so many people have it or maybe because most people who do have it are often rather blaze about the whole thing
"yeah sometimes I cough so much I pass out from lack of oxygen... lol!"
It is worth noting that it is a pretty major deal and can kill and Asthma UK is fighting to stop the fatal attacks!
So please donate, It is really easy...
Just Click Here
I am running a marathon for goodness sake!

So I have moved house now which means no more running through Battersea park, or along the river Thames but I went for a 6 mile run around the local area and discovered just how different it was.

Firstly, its a way less built up area and despite the fact it is technically in London I don't think the area knows this as you can see in my photo
Maybe Yorkshire has followed me down south!

The second main difference is that other joggers nod and smile at you, like you are friends!
I wrote a whole blog on how they don't do that (Here it is) and it turns out I was just in the wrong part of the world!

Crazy talk!

Anyone, although a little harder than i remeber, the Jog went well and I am now way on my way and in the final four months!
Here is my run,

Kinda like a squashed whale with water coming out his blow hole...?

love Nic

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