Wednesday 22 January 2014

Two Epic Runs

It is now 81 days until the biggest run of my life!
So you'd think my training would have certainly picked up a  notch or two wouldn't you?
Well it has ok!

Don't believe me, let my serious face show you otherwise...

This is genuinely how my Dad told me to look serious

... OK so that wasn't very convincing but I really have upped my game, I promise.

Amongst my runs since my previous blog have been two relatively epic runs. They were, however, epic in different ways. One due to sheer length and the other due to location.

The first was Tuesday the 14th of January,  the heady delights of Christmas and New Year had long since passed and after a long day of work I got off the tube 6 stops early and ran the rest of the way!
It was a 7.5 mile run and although this isn't my longest ever run, it was after a long day of work and i managed to keep my average speed at under 11 minutes per mile.
After finishing this run I felt pretty darn good as I think it was the first time in a long time that I have felt that this really is a possible feat.
I will finish the London Marathon.
It WILL be epique.
Here is the run
"Wow, you crossed the A40"
"You are right, this is a boring picture"

So the second was epic because it was in my old haunting ground of York, not only that but it was a run around York's walls.
For those who don't know, York still has almost 90% of it's original Roman and medieval walls.

They make for a great run for two reasons. 
1. Great views of the city
2. You feel like a roman soldier!

Here is the run
It's like a tadpole with an Australia shaped head
I have numbered certain points around the run so i can point out certain things to you.
1. Morrisons. I used to live in York, and in fact lived round the corner from this morrisons, needless to say, I went there a lot. It was like a second home. One time I went there 4 times in one day. IT WAS A GOOD SHOP

2. A tiny staircase

I am talking tiny, and cramped and even I had to duck whilst running up them!

3. York St.John University (previously a petrol station)
4. A great pub called the Lion and Lamb, built into the walls I was running round (some would say this means it would be justifiable to pop in whilst running round the walls, however I did not)

5. The River Ouse, if you don't know what a river is, re-evaluate your life.
6. York railway station, if you don't know what a railway station is, re-evaluate your life.

7. The top of Micklegate. Micklegate is a fine road, filled with fine establishments where one can get drunk. I have got drunk here on many occasion and enjoyed every occasion. Here is a photo of Me and my friend Handley the very first time I got drunk on this road, back in 2009
"mmmmmm" said Handley
"AAAAAAA" said Nic

8. Clifford's Tower. An old Medieval motte and Bailey style castle that has absolutely nothing   to do with a big red Dog.
"it's only a model"

Basically, it was a nostalgia tour mixed with training for the marathon.
It would seem these are the great lengths I will go to now to keep myself interested and motivated whilst running.
With only 3 months to go my training is getting more intense and I will be honest with you, it can sometimes be a little dull, hard work and tough to get out of bed for.

It would all be a lot easier if you lovely people could support me by donating now at

Thanks loads!

So that was my two Epic Runs, but you know what they say, these things come in 3s. So let us see what happens next shall we...

Nic Munday

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