Monday 13 January 2014

3 months to go!

Today is exactly 3 months until I run the London Marathon,
13 weeks
90 days 
2160 hours
129,600 minutes
7,776,000 seconds
Well when you put it like that it doesn't seem so bad!


at this point my best run is 10 miles,
I would say my fitness is up (although Christmas got in the way a little),
I feel a lot better though, and I think from my perspective, if I may say so myself, I look a little slimmer!

The next three months are going to be tougher, up until now I have been being relatively lax about it, joyfully jaunting over bridges and taking in the sights, but its got to be a whole lot more serious than that I think, don't you?
of course you do!

"are you telling me this whole blog is simply to tell us that you are upping your game on the training front?" said the average ready nonchalantly 
Of course not, It is me telling you that I am upping my game on all fronts, because many of you kind folk out there need to also up your game a whole lot and rather swiftly!

Most of you should know me, and know that this is not my usual sort of hobby. I've never been on a sports team, or considered exercising to be in any way fun. I did not do this because it is the usual kind of challenge I revel in.
Sure I look forward to the excited feeling I will have when I can say that I am a Marathon completer,
but the main reason I am doing this is to raise money for Asthma UK.
Click here to find out more about Asthma UK

And I implore you to support them and motivate me in the process.

I am not just asking for donations, I am asking for tips, messages even the odd random love letter wouldn't go amiss!

One fine example of the support I am receiving comes from my brother-in-law and his wife (who is my sister)

"your sister got married?" said the average reader, fully in the knowledge that this s an innapropriate time to ask such a question.
Yes, she did... see
"What a great life we have ahead of us" thought Sally
"What's that on the bleedin' roof" though Sam

Sally and Sam have organised a quiz night to help raise funds for my marathon effort. A quiz that one and all are invited to. So if you like questions, answers and Fish & Chips all bundled up into one evening of fun then I suggest you come,
Click here to find out more about the quiz night!

I feel I have bombarded you with enough info for one evening, It has become a lot more serious... but that is because I am suddenly very aware of the task ahead of me!


I shall leave you with these final thoughts,
1. Donating is easy you can do it here, Virgin Money Giving
2. Sharing this blog on facebook and twitter would make my day
3. there are 20 sheep to every one person in new Zealand... who knew!

Be Awesome!


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