Saturday 23 November 2013

A Long time

Hello Blog fans!
Hope all in reading world is going well.

It has been 'A long time' since I wrote one of these. (Yes I just used the title of the blog in the blog... maybe that is why I chose that title, or maybe the reason will become a lot more apparent later!)

Why has it been so long?
What was I doing?
What is the air speed ratio of an unladen swallow?

Well I can answer those first two questions by informing you all that my sister got married!

I wonder if any of these people have legs?

You may notice that the person on the left of the photo is wearing fairy wings but fear not, she is not a crazy person.
Sally and Sam got married on a stage (The Royal Theatre, Northampton if you must know) and the beginning of the ceremony was like a little show, in which Genevieve (the girl with the wings) played a fairy!
She was then a witness
She was also the person who inspired me to the Marathon in the first place,

Anyway, Sally getting married was a pretty major event in my family and I was busy doing all manner of things before the wedding, 
Then on the actual day i danced for 'A Long time' (ooh) and my legs hurt so much afterwards that no running could be done.
It was an amazing day and everyone basically had the best time of their lives.

Big congratulations to Sally and Sam who will now be together for 'A long time' (yeah, did it again)

Although I danced the equivalent of a Marathon at the wedding I was a little worried when I put my running shoes back on yesterday that I would have lost something having not run for over a week!
However, due to the fact that I had nothing else on yesterday and it being a relatively nice day I thought I would just keep running and see how far I could go.

For how long did I run??


Here is a picture of my run
Looks kinda like a phone doesn't it!

If you are wondering where it was I actually ran to it was all the way to the house of parliament

When you look at this picture do you hear music going
I do

When I got to the houses of parliament I took some inspiration from our deputy prime minister and swiftly changed direction. (BOOM SATIRE)
I didn't take any photos on my run as I have to stop running, take my phone out of my handy phone carrying case, stop the run-mapping app, unplug the headphones, take the photo, do everything again in reverse and frankly I COULDN'T BE BOTHERED
plus I was on a roll, running the longest run of my training so far... so I simply didn't bother.

All in all the run was a success, although I was feeling it a little by the end I have proved that I can run over a 1/4 of a marathon and maintain a speed of ten minute miles!


If you would like to I thoroughly recommend that you donate for my chosen cause of Asthma UK, go on... it will make you feel all warm inside

Thanks loads,


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