Thursday 29 August 2013

It feels like it has been a while...

It has been a while, my blogging AND Jogging seem to have taken a back seat for a while BUT FOR GOOD REASON!

(end of capitol zone)

I am sure many of my doubters (who i assume are all posh toffs) have stood round thinking;

but i haven't given up

I have been very busy with moving house and going to York and celebrating my birthday and going to Northampton and celebrating my birthday and coming back to London and having to move rooms!

All of this together has, i confess, left me slacking on the running point of view.
Today, however, i got back on it. Restarting after a gap is difficult. When i am in the swing of a running regime I have no problem getting up and going for a run. When i leave a gap  really don't want to get up and run again, it is super hard to get out of bed.

Today I did though, I got up, had some granola (or crunch as we Mundays call it) and set of into the late summer morning air (that is a thing)
Yesterday on twitter (@nicmundayasthma) I tweeted asking whether i should run round Hyde Park or to Battersea power station.

I had...


response (that would have been more epic if i had had more... way more... like at least triple figures)

It was my mum and she said i should run to Battersea, so i did

here it is
'ooh what a lovely power station' said Nic

It was a great run there, over the river, through Battersea park (where there are many a jogger) past the Dog's and Cat's home and then you are faced with the wonderful view of the power station. It is a lot bigger in person than when you see it on the telly.

This however was simply the run there. My original plan had been to run back the way i came, but being in an adventurous mood i decided i would explore by running the other way, towards the river, cross at the next bridge and then run back along the northern bank.A great theory... but in practice a much longer run than i had intended. I ended up going all the way to the Vauxhaul bridge.

So my 4 mile run ended up being a 7 mile run but I kept running the whole way and i believe that in the running world this is considered to be a 'win'

Here is my total run
It looks like a dinosaur! (or a penis)

Thanks for reading, don't forget to follow me on twitter @nicmundayasthma, find my facebook page and follow me on here!

Also, Please donate. Thanks to all who have already done it but i am still way off my target and i am not doing all this running for nothing.
I hate running, it makes me want to cry.
So please donate!


Tuesday 20 August 2013

Map my run!

I am now a few weeks into training, and it is still going strong!

I have no way to weigh myself currently but i have probably lost 11 stone (not really that would be silly, i would look like this...

but i am feeling a lot fitter already and running is becoming easier.
Still haven't started my proper training plan (which I will do 6 months before the marathon) so for now i am keeping up with runs every day of at least 3 miles in length!

I have just moved house and had a busy weekend moving everything, but managed to fit another 10k in which was excellent
(What could the tortoise possibly own that would fill up those boxes... Shell wax?)

The new exciting thing in my running life (which due to legal reasons i keep entirely separate from my normal life... and the thug life) is Map my Run
It is an app that well... maps my run!

Annoyingly however it sticks to paths and roads, so you can't draw things in Hyde park (I tried, top points to whoever guesses correctly in the comments what i tried to draw!) but here is today's run!

As you can see i live in south Kensington now... (ooooh posh)

Anyway, i am really excited by this ap and it is just a shame this run doesn't look like anything in particular!

I shall try harder to draw fun things, (any suggestions in the comments will be welcome!)

Keep donating please I am now at £131.43 but it does seem to have slowed down!

don't forget to follow @nicmundayasthma on twitter and join the group on facebook!

Big running love

Nic 'Length of a marathon starting to dawn on me' Munday

Thursday 15 August 2013

Why Asthma???

So now that all of you who were initially shocked by me doing a marathon have been able to come to terms with it, like so;
Person 1 'Nic is doing the Marathon!?!'
Person 2 'Nic who?'
Person 1 'Nic Munday!'
Person 2 'I am sorry i don't who that is... or who you are for that matter... stop talking to me on the tube'
Person 1 'sorry... never the less i am still ruddy shocked that he is doing the marathon... actually i have come to terms with it!'

I thought it would be worth informing you on why I am running to raise money for asthma UK and not any of the other charities that exist IN THE WORLD! (when i say the world i mean the UK... and there are seriously LOADS of charities, there are whole websites that are literally just lists of charities...

Now not all charities in the UK offer out guaranteed places in the marathon (so that link was a little misleading, evil Nic) but there were still alot. So why did i only apply to one charity and why did i choose Asthma?

Is it because they have a funky green and purple logo?

Partly, but not really...

Is it because I love taking a blue inhaler

not really (although it was worth suggesting just to use that picture)

Was the reason I applied to Asthma UK because I have been a life long sufferer of Asthma and I would love to see advances made in the treatment of Asthma?

BINGO! YAHTZEE! Go directly to GO!

Although I have not really had bad asthma since being a small child, I was pretty darn ill in the first few years... pretty much my lungs didn't enjoy working very much, they were all like...

Anyway, with the great advances in modern medicine we had made by the early nineties i survived, and hundred continue to live, thrive and survive with asthma every day.

When a person with asthma comes into contact with something that irritates their airways (an asthma trigger), the muscles around the walls of the airways tighten so that the airways become narrower and the lining of the airways becomes inflamed and starts to swell. Sometimes, sticky mucus or phlegm builds up, which can further narrow the airways.
Narrow phlegmy airways are pretty hard to get air through, lack of air = Death... 

So... if you don't think me running the marathon is enough to earn a small donation then remember I am doing it with Asthma (a much greater feat) and if that still doesn't make you want to donate, then how about donating for all those people who suffer with everyday, using oxygen canisters or relying on inhalers to do the simplest of tasks!

Please Donate, I am running the ruddy marathon!

and don't forget to follow me on twitter @NicMundayAsthma

The running is coming along nicely by the way,
Write soon


Sunday 11 August 2013

Am I fit enough to do a marathon?

To cut a long blog short... I am probably not fit enough to do a marathon yet, but luckily i have 8 months of tough grueling training ahead of me, but exactly how fit am I?

Age: 21 (nearly 22!)
Height: 5 foot 7
Weight: 12 Stone 9 which is 80KG  in new money! (I had to look that up, no one knows what Kilograms are!)

So looking at this handy health chart i found (using the internet) I am currently in the overweight orange zone.
(the spot is me)

So really during this marathon training I need to lose a stone and a half and get into the WHITE ZONE (Which is for the immediate unloading and loading of passengers only)

This seems like a long way to go but with 8 months of, as i said before, GRUELING TRAINING ahead of me,  I think it is doable.

I am a week in already and yesterday I ran 10K without stopping so that was nice, given i ran slower than anyone ever... but it is nice to know i can keep going!

'How did you get into the orange zone in the first place Nic?' I assume you are asking.
Well I have never been of the sporty variety. In fact, i tend to be awful... i try very hard but when it comes to me playing sport I am about as useful as a giraffe in a handstand competition

So a lack of sporting ability and an incredible amount of beer drinking at uni (for which I mainly blame Will Handley) have left me in a less than peak condition state.

Thus, the marathon is a great thing for many reasons
1) I shall get into peak condition
2) I will get to see all the london sights
3) I shall raise lots of money for Asthma!

Talking of which (nice segway)
If you haven't already, I recommend you donate soon to help out Asthma and to support me on my never ending quest to run the marathon (Never ending isn't accurate as It will end... on the 13th of April next year)



P.S Apparently if you gain muscle it weighs more than fat... at which point you won't be overweight in an unfit way... but you will look like this

If i ever look like this... shoot me!

Double P.S
For those who don't know Airplane, this is what i was referring to earlier when talking about the white zone!


Thursday 8 August 2013

So... I am running the marathon for Asthma UK

it begins!

Anyone who knows me, knows that i am not, and have never been a sporty person. So this whole 'running the marathon' thing must be a shock to a lot of you!
but it is happening now so get over it!

There are a lot of things that lead me to running the marathon.
The first thing happened whilst at primary school. My friend Tom Golding's Mum ran the marathon, then came into school and gave an assembly on it, at the end she said "everyone should try to do the marathon at least once in their life!"

Fast forward 15 years and one Sunday evening I go round to my soon-to-be Brother-in-Law's sister's house to celebrate the fact his other sister completing the marathon!

She looked incredibly chuffed with herself and she got to eat an entire Domino's pizza to herself, and no-one judged her or anything!

At this point I realized, I have always wanted to do it at least once, I would love to be able to eat an entire pizza guilt free and the younger i do it, the easier it will be... right?

So I applied to the ballot but also I applied for a guaranteed spot with Asthma UK and got one!

Why Asthma? Well that is a blog for another time.

But it is a worthwhile cause and one worth running a stupidly long distance for!

I need to raise at least £1,700 and i'd love to raise a lot more, so if you can please donate (and don't forget to gift aid!)
You can donate here

Join the facebook group here

and follow me on Twitter

Nic 'going to run 26 miles' Munday