Thursday 13 March 2014


Throughout time, people have said wondrous things about it. (the it is the aforementioned time)
I do not have any profound statement to say about the aforementioned and shall instead rely on the quote of another gentleman, named William Shakespeare

'we are times subjects, and time bids be gone'

Unfortunately I don't have the time to dissect this quote or discuss its meaning but I do know is that time flies by and then when you get older this flying seems to speed up until what used to feel like a week only feels like a day and what feels like a minute used to feel like 10!
Needless to say with this rushing past of time ever so rapidly accelerating it was very nice yesterday morning to wake up and remind myself that I had more than a month until I am running the marathon.
However, today I got no such luxury.

"BUT WHY NOT, NIC?" said an Idiot, foolishly.

Today it is one month until the marathon.
One Month! 4 and a half weeks! 31 days! 744 hours! 44,600 minutes! 2,678,400 seconds!
(those were all different examples of how long I have got until the marathon, don't add them together... if you add them together you will get 6 months... which is bloody ages!)

"So Nic, with the big day being so close I assume you are doing everything in your power to be on top of your game?"

Well... no actually.

Last week I accidentally had a week of no running, much eating and even more drinking for I was in...

hehe... it's building shaped!
Now many people would say going for an over-indulgent holiday just over a month before you are running the marathon is a silly idea
A professional would laugh in my face to which I would offer two arguments.
"I can't find Times Square anywhere!"
And Secondly,
I am not a professional, never did I profess to being professional. The whole point of me running the marathon is that It doesn't fit in with my real life.
I am not a runner, I am not a sportsman. I am putting in all this time and effort to raise money and awareness for asthma UK.

Now if you lovely folk would like to donate I would greatly appreciate it.

"where can I give said donation?"

So please go ahead and donate.
We are well within reaching my target of 1,700 by the date I run the marathon.

Thanks all,