Tuesday 18 February 2014

Big things are happening!

Hello Blog fans,

Things are getting big though!
Firstly, It is now less than 2 months until the big day, the day where I run 26.2 miles for Asthma uk!

Two months ARGH!  It is actually only 54 days now! 54!!! That is less than 8 weeks, you couldn't even have a whole series of Doctor who in that time!

If a major BBC saturday night drama started this saturday, I would have ran the marathon by the time it finished! that is how close we are now!

Secondly, I have recently broken the £1,000 mark fundraising wise! This was massively helped by the HUGE quiz my sister and her husband put on for me last weekend. It was a great night with a hilarious quiz, fish and chips and some other silly games along the way.
Obviously they are family and i they hadn't done something huge I would have seriously chastised them BUT that doesn't mean i shouldn't thank them publicly.


I passed a rather major milestone in my training, in fact I passed 13 of them, in one go, in under two hours.

Thats right, the day of the quiz I ran 13 miles (13.1 to be precise). I decided if I was going to have a psychological advantage over the rest of my training I would need to get a half marathon under my belt.
Conditions were perfect and I developed a new method of running a certain distance then coming back, then heading off in another direction for a mile and a half, and heading back!
It seems to be a very productive way of running and great to keep myself motivated.

This is all greatly helped by the fact I live in the middle of a 4 way intersection.
I ran all the way to Buckinghamshire

needless to say, my knees were a bit odd the next day but It now really feels like I can do it!

A huge thank you to everyone who has donated towards the £1000 I have raised so far (only £700 to go), a huge thank you to all who have motivated me so far!

and if you haven't donated yet...

you can do it right there!
Thanks team
